Friday, 6 December 2013

“TEKLOGICA 2013-14”

An enter-collegiate event entitled-
“TEKLOGICA 2013-14”

                            Organized by:

St.Mira’s College for Girls, Pune
Department of Computer Science

Who can be the participant? =College students of BCA & B. Sc. Comp. Sc.


Date: 13/12/2013

Program Name

A.V Room
(2nd floor)

A.V Room
(2nd floor)
Project Competition cum exhibition
Computer Sc.Lab &
Electronics Lab
(3rd floor)
Poster Competition

  Third Floor
12.00 pm

Third Floor
1.00 p.m
Computer Science
(3rd floor)

Date: 14/12/2013

Program Name

A.V Room
(2nd floor)
Paper Presentation

A.V Room
(2nd floor)
Talent Hunt
A.V Room
(2nd floor)
1.00 pm
Prize Distribution

A.V Room
(2nd floor)

General Rules

1)      The competition is only for B.Sc. (Computer Science) & B.C.A. students.
2)      Participants should carry their college ID cards.
3)      Registration fees per student per event will be 50/- Rs.
4)      Assessment parameters will include originality of ideas and presentation
5)      The decision of the panel of judges will be final.
6)      List of Participants should be sent to the following email id
7)      Participants should be present at the venue 30 minutes before the event starts.
8)      Certificates will be awarded to all participants as token of  appreciation.
9)       Registration can be done through Email or Phone.

And lots of fun with brain wracking activities to boost up your energy level !!!

Rules for Project Competition

Computer Science
1)                Participants should bring their own machines/laptops along with working project.
2)                Per team maximum 2 participants are allowed.
3)                Participants are requested to visit the venue one hour before the

   1)   Working circuit on any topic related to electronics
   2)   Participants should explain the working of the circuit.
   3)   From each College, maximum two teams can participate
  4)       Per team, maximum two students are allowed.

     Models based on graduate level Mathematics

Competitions Details:

Topics For Paper Presentation

§  Latest Wireless Communication Technology
§  How 3D differ in TV, Smartphone and movies
§  Computer Forensics.
§  Blue Brain- Taking over Human Brain?
§  The future of Glass Technology
§  Graph Theory in computer network security
§  Mathematics  in optimal arrangement of cell phone towers
§  Real life applications of statistics

Topics for Poster Competition
1.     Wearable Technology
2.     Transparent Electronics
3.      Innovations in Biomedical Electronics
Computer Science:
1.     Expand your connections
2.     Search Engine
3.     Lock your Device
          1. Mathematics –the language of the future
          2. Graph Theory in GPS
1.     Real life applications of time series.      

Rules for C Programming Test

1)      Maximum three Students from each college can participate.
2)      The test will be conducted in two levels.
3)      The duration of each level will be 30 minutes.
4)      The questions will be based on the syllabus of ‘C Programming’

Rules for Paper Presentation

1)      Per team maximum two students are allowed. Each team will get seven      minutes for presentation.
2)      Participants can bring their own Laptops /pen drive at their own risk. College and Computer Science department will not be responsible for any damages of participant’s device.
3)      Participants should carry brief synopsis of the project.
4)       Participants are expected to submit the soft copy of their paper through    
          email before 10th December 2013.

Rules for Poster Competition

1)      From each College, maximum two teams can participate
2)      Per team, maximum two students are allowed.

For further Details please contact:

Mrs. Alka Kalhapure:  9764909171
Mrs. Smita Borkar :     9890099556

Tuesday, 3 December 2013


    All the users are requested to please attend the training      programme on how to effectively search the online    databases.Theses databases includes: 
Academic Search Elite (Multidisciplinary) and 
Literary Reference Centre (Eng. Literature).
Particulars of the programme  are as follows:
     Date:     6th Dec. 2013
    Venue: A. V. Room, 2nd floor.
    Timing:  10.00AM

Quote of the Month

When I step into this library,cannot 
understand why I ever step out of it. 
                             -- Marie de Sevigne

Existing Book Collection Display

John Milton was an English poet and statesman. Prose
 was also written by him. The author  wrote at a time 
of religious flux and political upheaval, and is best 
known for his epic poem Paradise Lost. 
Milton's poetry and prose reflect deep personal 
convictions, a passion for freedom and self 
determination. He wrote in English, Latin, 
and Italian.
Some works of this great author are as follows:
   1.   Paradise Lost
2.     Paradise Regained
3.     Lucidas
4.     Samson Agonistes
5.     Of Reformation 
6.     Apology for Smectymnuus 
7.     Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce 
8.     The Tenure of Kings and Magistrates